Friday, August 28, 2009

A Poem I Wrote

Emo Girl

People know she is someone,
she doesn't believe so,
she hides in the shadows
wherever she goes.

She has no friends,
she’s always alone,
she hates her school,
she hates her home.

One rainy day,
she couldnt take it anymore,
she over- dosed on drugs,
then fell to the floor.

The next day she woke up,
in a hospital bed,
they had saved her life,
she was almost dead.

She went home that day,
they thought she was well,
she was still depressed,
but no one could tell.

She went out the back,
under the shade,
she shut her eyes,
then pulled out a blade.

She started to cut,
and was really calm,
she felt the blood dripping,
down her arm.

The emo girl,
died this day,
her beautiful soul,
fading away.

As she floated ,
up above,
she saw the people,
she truly loved.

Her mum, her dad,
everyone was there,
all along,
they really did care.

She wanted to go back,
before she picked up that knife,
maybe then,
she’d still have her life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Poem Writer,

    I just wanted to say I think your poem is very good. It's very deep and thought provoking. Having read about your life, it sounds as though perhaps you sometimes relate to Emo girl.

    Life can be very cruel sometimes and no, the pain never fully goes away, but it can get easier with time and you can learn to live with it.

    When I was at one of my lowest points I remember someone saying to me: "what ever it is that you want most in the world - give it. You will get it back 10 times over!"

    For me, what I needed most at that moment was for someone to love me, make me feel loved and give me a hug. Quite by chance, I found a job working with disabled people, many of whom needed to feel loved and wanted - even more than me. I just did my job but I did find that by reaching out to help other people, even by just listening or giving someone a hug when they needed it, I didn't feel so alone anymore, I soon felt loved and wanted and it totally changed my perspective on life.

    It doesn't have to be the same situation as above but I have always remembered that advice and used it many times over the years when I have been feeling down and sad - it works for me.

    I wish you all the very best Poem Writer, good luck for the future and I hope you will soon find your peace and happiness.

    Love Rainbow x
